I rejoice at Your Word like one who finds great spoil - David Jesse, King of Israel
David Jesse lived many centuries ago. He was first known as a shepherd boy, then a musician, then a warrior & finally a king. Through all these phases of his life, a few things remained constant; one of them was his love for Jehovah. So deep was that love that David would spend a lot of time singing & playing his harp. Later, as king of Israel, he spent huge resources raising a battalion of Levites whose sole purpose was to worship & praise Jehovah. One of the things he most loved praising God for was His Word (His law, His commandments, statutes & testimonies).
David had such an amazing love for God's Word that not only would he meditate on it often, but seven times a day, he would praise God for that same Word. His love for the Word is shown in one particular verse, Psalm 119:162, where he says, "I rejoice at Your Word as one that finds great spoil". The Message version reads, "like one who strikes it rich". If there was a Pidgin English Version (PEV) of the Bible, it would read: LIKE PERSON WEY DON HAMMER!
How did you celebrate the last time you made some good money? You've seen people who won the lottery, a scholarship, received a monetary award or closed the business deal of a lifetime. How do they usually rejoice? They jump, shout, laugh & dance; some roll on the floor. They call their friends & family to share the good news. They pop a bottle of wine. Some even organise celebratory parties. They do "thanksgiving" or give testimonies in church. You see the evidence on their BBM & whatsapp DPs, they post on Facebook etc. Do you rejoice like that at the Word of God?
Does the revelation of God's Word get you screaming & shouting? The Word revealed fills your heart with joy. Do you allow that joy to show up on the outside or are you too cool, calm, collected & "Christo-sanctimonious" to rejoice at God's Word?
Indeed, when you find God's Word, you've found great treasure. Two reasons: the Word is treasure & the Word can produce any treasure. Do you know it? Do you act like it? Have you seen the Word produce results in your life before? If you haven't, then you should be highly dissatisfied with your Christian experience because there's so much you're missing! Be dissatisfied enough to do something about it. But even before results come, there's an understanding that the Word is life to anyone that finds it (Proverbs 4:22). That understanding gets you rejoicing.
Maybe it's an attitude problem, a perspective problem. Maybe you just don't see God's Word as something to rejoice about. Beloved, repent. God's Word is worth shouting over, it's worth running, dancing, screaming & celebrating over! Depending on the level at which the revelation of God's Word hits you, you can even prepare a feast just to celebrate the Word you've received! It is that serious!
Beloved, I pray for you today: as you continue in God's Word, the Holy Spirit will show you greater & greater things that will cause your heart to rejoice & cause your life to be ever-transformed in Jesus' name. Shalom!