Wednesday, 23 September 2015


It has been said that experience is the best teacher, and one can easily understand why – human beings don’t usually “get it” until they experience it. There’s just one problem with Professor Experience’s teaching methods: his students sometimes don’t survive the lesson! Some live, but the lesson costs them way too much….an arm, a leg, an eye, 10 wasted years, lots of money, loads of pain & regret etc. Based on this, some have said that another person’s experience is a better teacher than yours. I agree, at least you don’t get the pain!
In spite of the advantages of learning from experience though, there’s one limitation – there are things even the great Professor Experience cannot teach. What eye has not seen, what ear has not heard, what has not entered into the heart of man….(1Corinthians 2:9). There are things human experience has not known, doesn’t know and cannot know except by the Holy Ghost! They are beyond the scope of human experience, therefore they cannot be learnt by experience, whether yours or another’s. There are things no book can reveal, no man can tell you and Google says “it is not in me”, but the Holy Ghost can & will teach you!
Colossians 2:3 says that all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ. The person that represents Christ in you is the Holy Spirit. He is the One that has come to be & do in you all that Christ is & does. All the wisdom & knowledge you need are in Him, not hidden FROM you but hidden FOR you. 1 Corinthians 2:7 & Proverbs 25:2 indicate that these things are hidden for our glory.
Experience is not the best teacher, the Holy Ghost is!
-The Father said about Him: I will instruct you and teach you…..I will guide you with My eye (Psalm 32:8)
-When the Son became flesh, He said of Him: He will teach you all things (John 14:26)
-Then when the Holy Spirit came, He spoke of Himself through the Apostle John: the anointing abides in you and teaches you concerning all things (1 John 2:27 paraphrased)
Three witnesses and the truth is established: the Holy Spirit is a teacher. More accurately, He is the best Teacher. If you consistently allow Him to teach you, your life will take on the very beauty of heaven. He’ll teach you anything & everything that you need to know. Don’t wait for experience to teach you, yield to the Spirit! He’ll teach you, He’ll lead you, He’ll be your Instructor and you’ll only be better for it.
Have you enrolled in the school of the Spirit? Are you coming to class regularly? If you’ve not received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, what are you waiting for? If you can speak in tongues but it’s only a tool you use occasionally, please don’t waste it no more! If you have a stack of bibles but they’ve gathered dust, come on dust them off and let’s go back to class! The Holy Spirit is waiting, ever ready to teach, ever ready to instruct, ever ready to raise us.

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