This is my reality; God is my Father and it is His will for me to be whole. He gave the Son to be the ultimate sacrifice for my sin & sickness. The price has been paid, now I enjoy wholeness. Jesus Himself took my infirmities, carried my diseases, bore my sicknesses. He took them on Himself & away from me completely. Jesus took them, I no longer have them!
(3 John 2; Matthew 8:17; Exodus 15:26; Leviticus 16:10)
Nothing is more real than this; by the stripes that broke His body and shed His blood, I was healed so that I might be in health. I live in health in the name of Jesus! The punishment required for my wholeness was laid on Him and He bore it, now I’m whole! I have perfect soundness (holokleria)! Every laceration was my sickness being permanently bonded to His body, as irreversible as the scars. Nothing can take the scars off Jesus, nothing can take the sicknesses off Jesus & put them on me; I can’t be sick anymore; I’m the healed of God in Christ Jesus! (Isaiah 53:4&5; Acts 3:16)
This is the truth I believe; Jesus disposed of my sicknesses, then He sent His Spirit to live in me & make my wholeness a reality. The same Spirit that resurrected Jesus now lives in tme; He is constantly flowing life, vitality, health & strength into my flesh, blood & bones. The divine life is constantly flowing in my veins! Every disease, germ, virus or toxin that touches my body contacts the life of God; it dies & loses potency instantly in the name of Jesus! Poisons are neutralised by the life of God in me; no harm comes to me! (Romans 8:11; Mark 16:18)
This is my decision: by wisdom & self-control, I live healthy. I do not misuse food, sleep, sex or leisure. I use them the right way, at the right time & get right results in the name of Jesus. My body is the temple of the Holy Ghost; I do not abuse it. I gain knowledge from the right sources, use it the right way & get right results in the name of Jesus. Ultimately, my safety is in the Name of Jesus!
(Proverbs 18:10; 1 Corinthians 3:16&17; Daniel 1:8-15)
This is my decree to every cell, every tissue, every organ, every system & every substance in my body: you function perfectly, you function by eternal life in the name of Jesus! Liver, kidneys, brain, heart, lungs, pancreas, reproductive organs & all; you function well in the name of Jesus! From the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, everything is working in the name of Jesus! Body, I forbid you to be sick; I permit you to be strong & sound in the name of Jesus! (James 3:2; Matthew 18:18; Proverbs 18:20&21)
Using the name of Jesus (as His representative, on His authority & for His glory), I heal the sick, open blind eyes & cast out disease-causing demons. Through the touch of my hands, the words of my mouth, the breath of my lips, the sight of my eyes & the passing of my shadow; the healing anointing is communicated. The Holy Ghost, the Source of all power, dwells in me now. I am a walking miracle dispenser, I’m a mobile power-house!
(Mark 16:17&18; Acts 5:15 & 10:38; John 20:22; Proverbs 15:30)
Thank You Father for these things are already so in the name of Jesus! (Psalm 107:2)
Thank you Karla. Please do download for your use or for others. Thanks!