Believing Women, Ministers, Believing Citizens and Rich Believers; why Good Works?
A. Believing citizens should do good works so that they will not go against the rulers/law and incur their/its wrath (Romans 13:3).
B. Believing citizens should do good works so that they might receive commendation and praise from rulers (Romans 13:3).
C. Believing citizens should do good works so that they might enjoy the ministry of rulers (Romans 13:4).
D. Believing citizens should do good works for the sake of conscience (Romans 13:5).
E. Believing women should do good works because good works are an adornment for them (1Timothy 2:9&10).
F. Believing women should do good works because good works are becoming to them (who profess godliness) (1Timothy 2:10).
G. Ministers should do good works because ministry itself is a good work (1Timothy 3:1).
H. Ministers should do good works to show themselves as a pattern for other believers (including the ones to whom they directly minister) (Titus 2:7).
I. Rich believers should do good works (of giving) because doing good works is laying up a good foundation against the time to come and laying hold on eternal life (1Timothy 6:17-19).
J. Believing citizens should do good works because the Scriptures instruct us to be ready to EVERY good work, even before earthly authorities, and to be obedient to them (Titus 3:1).
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